Regenerative Agriculture  Institute

"Healthy food, healthy environment, healthy life"

The Regenerative Agriculture Institute is a private, non-profit association that promotes food production according to the concepts of regenerative agriculture through socio-educational actions and contributes to increasing health and food security, respect for human rights, animal welfare, and sustainable development.

Action lines

Fostering regenerative systems

Support for production practices that mimic relationships and processes in natural environments, stimulating positive interactions between their components.

Production of references and methodologies

Development of methodologies and parameters for socio-environmental quantification and production monitoring adapted to different realities.

Trainings and qualifications

Short and medium-term courses and practices for technicians, producers and students, with regular or on-demand offer.

The regenerative agriculture

The term regenerative agriculture represents a new paradigm. The production of quality food and the improvement of the environment are not antagonistic. On the contrary, the production of healthy foods, rich in nutrients and without residues of toxic substances, can help restore natural processes and relationships, generating socioeconomic and environmental benefits.

Its adoption originated from the problems generated by the decline in soil performance, mainly due to its excessive turning and the inappropriate use of agrochemicals. The adoption of minimum soil preparation and the use of cover crops to replace pesticides were effective contributions from organic agriculture, without, however, incorporating a holistic approach to agricultural production.

Regenerative agriculture is a step forward. Based on theories of ecological hierarchy and conservationist practices, it aims at the regeneration and maintenance of the entire food production system, including rural communities and consumers, in order to increase their resilience.


The Regenerative Agriculture Institute has professionals of different areas with extensive experience in education and technological development and energy and land use planning with an emphasis on: regenerative agriculture; sustainable intensification; restoration of degraded areas; diagnosis, planning, and management of agro-forestry-pastoral systems; holistic management; climate-soil-plant-animal relationships; agri-food production chains; rural-urban management; productive-environmental quantification / life cycle assessment (LCA); animal welfare; quality, certification, and adding value to products; rural development; and energy transition.

Initiative 2021-2030


The Institute collaborates with research and technological development institutions, companies, cooperatives, and public entities.

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